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#1: Why One Place Needed To Resolve Our Public Disagreements Author: DanLocation: USA : Sun Sep 20, 2020 9:05 am
2020-09-19, 2020-10-27 replaced "One Place" in title with "No 1st Cost List" in title edits
& added 3 uses.

A disagreement between two or more of us is the common denominator for all Public information.

That, by inspection, requires someones must build a single place
for the whole world, which requires an internet and software,
real-time Public place to meet to disagree = a No !st Cost List.

Only way to do it right is US Patent #8566730 co-invented by Daniel B. Alter & Margaret L. Milanowski.

Once built and used, it opens up a vast vista of tested information verified by our Queation &
Answer Dialogue Procedures(Q&As) that create truthful information that before we could NOT see.

I will list uses as I recognize them below.

1. Permanent public record open to all;

2. Establishes Who publicly posted first and/or when for giving credit; or also

3. creating a legal record for proving slanders & libels since "We don't censor, we record",
which means what you post belongs only to you.

Last edited by Dan on Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:38 am; edited 5 times in total

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