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What Measuring The Edges of What We Can See With Light Shows

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: What Measuring The Edges of What We Can See With Light Shows
Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 11:03 pm

6-03-18 edit Title, second draft 5-31-18, first draft 5-26-18

Where The Unknown Is

e.g. Faster Than Light(FTL) transfers of information, i.e. entangled information exchanges and the instant portion of Gravity
required for all parts of the universe to signal where they are simultaneously with respect to the rest of the universe.

Entanglement has already be demonstrated, and these are the tests we can do to demonstrate the existence of instant G.

Why Do We Need To Define The Known/Unknown Edge?

Exploring the unknown is what real scientists do, so finding questions we can't yet answer is where we go exploring.
That means once you can show where the objective edge is for your society, it can guide where you explore.

Right now our present society is facing certain extinction unless we publicly admit 'Our present Scientific Picture of the universe
is incomplete'. Many Phds are not doing real science, which requires admitting what you don't know and when you are .wrong.

None of us is without sin, so confessing to what you don't know and doing fundamental tests like the above that show why
the present scientific paradigm and practices are flawed, is a absolute duty when you claim to be a scientist.


What this means in practice is: How do we determine the minimal forces needed for
1. the "Instant part of Gravity" to propagate' and
2. the minimal carrier force that carries entanglement.

Next a Political question: When are we going to talk about my prediction in public?

I have defined the immediate objective edge between the known and unknown for Earth science. That does not mean other E-T societies don't know more than us. They clearly do.

The E-T's warning to us shows they are insisting we figure this out for ourselves and fix it. Any of you who have successfully raised children to become good and honest adults knows this. They have to learn the hard way sometimes.

Our hard way is a vaporized planet, I think I have explained our predicament clearly and there are tests to
confirm my assertions, yet all I have heard back is 'not a single question' in over 8 plus million hits.

I made a promise February 15, 1992 to the only person who won't forget you broke it, myself, that I would never ever give up on warning us and trying to prevent Earth's vaporization. I must admit, I have wished I had not made that promise a number of times.

ToDo Unify this topic with Boundary topic into "Why Economics is Mother Logic of Science to finish with a Unified Theory
that explains why Entanglement and Instant G conservation are tied into a "constant c described with relativity".

Doing this should imply how FTL ship travel works directly, which would increase our chances of a successful disconnection.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Fri Oct 09, 2020 3:14 am; edited 2 times in total

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