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12-29-19 viewpoint creates M coor system = FTL navigate

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 12-29-19 viewpoint creates M coor system = FTL navigate
Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:04 pm

Edits 12-29-19, 12-15-12

There is a geometric operation that defines a Moebius coordinate system that any competent observer can see. This coordinate system makes possible Faster Than Light(FTL) navigation. No it does not violate Relativity's Law that says we can not exceed the speed of light on the surface of our Moebius geometry universe. There is a way to travel FTL with restrictions off the surface.

This coordinate system is intrinsic to a Moebius geometry universe. It just has to be drawn for any good geometer to see for themselves. It is that a Moebius strip has a Bowtie Line running straight down between the two sides to the dead center of the bottom side. It is a built in self referential coordinate axis for a M's coordinate system.

A problem:I worked to discover this coordinate system for two reasons, first it is required to write the base GUT eq for our M geometry universe, and second because we need to go FTL to disconnect our conservation debt to stop our Sun exploding on July 16, 2012.

Discovering the "objective" operation that makes this coor. system work raises a question, "Can our leaders be trusted to use this "fact" to try to save Earth?". By inspection, they can not be trusted. Thus a transparent public response by them is required where they declassify and release all they know about E-Ts and their technology. A tiny fact may be the clue we need to operate the captured E-T ships the Disclosure Projects 400 ex government witnesses say the USA govt has. We shall see.

This observation relies on the three fundamental intrinsic properties of a Moebius strip.

First it is a circle based geometry, thus it has a built in center;

second, it has a base axis that any observer can verify, its Bowtie Points and Line;

third, a M can can replicate and grow itself an infinite number of times with appropriate cuts while all generations remain looped through the same hole.

These three facts combine to give it a built in self referential coordinate system that describe the physical relationships and location of all points on the surface of the initial and subsequent generations of initial M.

These earlier discoveries and facts further defined how a M's coordinate system must work:

1. A circle based geometry generates all possible physical and geometric constants: How to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi.

2. A circle based geometry meant its built in base axis did directly pass through a Moebius' center point = Bowtie point(s) and line.

3. The above two facts implied you could create a coordinate system that is carried on through all possible subsequent generations of Moebii derived from the base one twist M.

4. And above all, these basic facts and relationships could be verified by any competent observer.

How test? With this coordinate system you can determine your location anywhere on or between the two sides of a any Moebius surface by using the relationships between observed base frequencies measured with respect to the speed of light.

1. It is the base coor. system that ties together the relationships between all possible physical constants and Natural Laws in a Moebius Geometry based universe = a GUT.

2. It gives us Faster Than Light(FTL) navigation.

3. We can use it to do a disconnect or conservation debt this coming July 16, 2012 given working FTL ships.

Relevant fact. The Disclosure Project has 400 ex government witnesses who say we have captured working E-T blinkships = probable FTL travel. Distance traveled is a function of power.

Problem: Can our political leaders be trusted to let us use these 'blinkships' for a disconnection. With FTL navigation they might try to save a few instead of the planet.

Solution: They release the ships to public scrutiny with everything they have learned about them over the years pronto; then perhaps we have a chance to save Earth. Ergo, I show how coordinate system works when they release all the captured and recovered E-T technology and info they have. I repeat, we need to see it all.

A gift: This discovery of how to build a coordinate system to navigate at FTL is not a Natural Law, it can be patented. Public disclosure by our leaders before July 16, 2012 means I give it freely for use by all. Should we still be here on July 17, and no response from you or our leaders, then my wife and I will thank God, and then go on vacation. After that, I will patent it and look for trustworthy private parties who want to go to the stars.

P.S.(4-20-12) That Earth has a conservation debt made of Anti-Matter is a fact. When it arrives is the only question, not whether. The date in the crop circles shown to us by presumably E-Ts is theirs, not mine.. I have never been able to think of a single reason they would lie to us about when, especially since they quite reasonably, did not expect any of us to recognize or accept the warning. Judging by your response so far to my arm waving, they are right about us not accepting or trying to verify theirs and now my 20 years of warnings.

Once we have FTL, then we can do more than one test to prove out A-M debt exists and when it will arrive, right down to the nano-second. Lets hope the E-Ts are pulling our leg, Ha, Ha!

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Dec 29, 2019 10:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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