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12-14-19 Five Ways To Disconnect A-M debt, one "easy"
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PostPost subject: 12-14-19 Five Ways To Disconnect A-M debt, one "easy"
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:27 pm

2019-12-14, 9-26-12 edits

There are four ways to disconnect. The first is out of our hands and is least likely to succeed. The last and best chance method is well within our present technology and does not involve using interplanetary Faster Than Light ships. It does require full public cooperation from every government on Earth. That cooperation can only come from me convincing a large minority of us to act.

1. 12-14-19 I rethought the physics, I think physically impossible and?? convincing the E-Ts = no way.

We can convince the E-Ts to let us use two of their FTL ships or have them do the disconnection for us. Chances of this happening are very low in my estimation. That would require our governments to admit they have had contacts with E-Ts in public, then ask them in public(N1CL). I think in public is the only possible way to get the E-T agreement to help us. Low odds but worth a try.

2. (Same physics limitations that apply to way 1 above.

Our best chance using FTL ships. Our government must let us use the E-T blinkships ex military witnesses say they have captured. I have a good idea of how they are controlled so as to navigate them.

3. Now we have enough time if we wake up soon. We build two working interplanetary FTL ships for our A-M debt disconnection on July 16, 2024. While I think I have a good handle on the basic 'how of FTL', doing this in 11+ years is very possible.
(12-14-2019) Not enough time now and objections to the basic physics apply.
The idea behind the first three was hit our A-M debt with big thermonuclear bomb or big piece of mass just before it comes through to help detach it.

4. The all lie down and sleep or meditate for one hour method. Highest probability of success, especially combined with 2 or 3.
12-14-2019 Our best chance.

In the last year, reducing A-M particles going to A-M debt by over 50% makes it "think" we are a dead planet and it disconnects. How long must we decrease flow??? I suspect it takes a little while, that's why a combination of methods is best.

Method 5. our fearless leaders choice:]/b] A massive thermonuclear exchange in last year. Population down well over 50% and no messy serfs to deal with. Note: We might be forced to choose to do that by public decision, but then only our best and brightest and female/male families chosen by lottery get into the shelters. No corrupt old goats!!

A technical requirement: We need to see and measure how many A-M particles go through our Planetary Spirit line that connects us to A-M debt.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:58 pm; edited 5 times in total

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