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Our first warning a summary cut from front page
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PostPost subject: Our first warning a summary cut from front page
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:06 am

Our First Warning

Reported by Dan Alter, n1cl-1.

I am a scientist. I have sworn to tell the truth on this public record.

I have a fearful prediction for the rest of you to confirm. At first, it was just a theoretical prediction with no objective evidence supporting it; but since 1992, a series of published scientific reports have verified every single causal link in the underlying theory, and now we there is a way to conclusively confirm the theories' ultimate conclusion.

For life to exist on a planet, we objectively real spirits must create a planetary conservation debt made of Anti-Matter(A-M) when we make our life forms move. Our spirits put our A-M debt onto the other side of our Moebius Strip Geometry Universe. Eventually a planet's conservation debt comes back to Earth striking our Sun, or it must be consciously disconnected. Our public choice.

Most present scientists deny that our life forms are driven by objectively real spirits, and they also believe that Einstein's Relativity Theory shows there is no base "frame of reference" that tie all other personal "reference frames" together. As we will see, both assertions are proven wrong when it is shown that we have an A-M conservation debt.

The crucial piece of proof that we are, in fact spirits, is that the E-Ts warning message shows exactly how our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter strikes our Sun, vaporizing Earth, leaving an Afterglow of expanding cooling gases. These afterglows were first seen by the Hubble after a 1997 Long Term Gamma Blaster(LTGB). Now we have seen many more afterglows after a LTGB occurs = vaporized life bearing planets.

The E-T public warning is a chilling four or five part message that includes two famous crop circles. The first was the "Barbary Castle" placed down on July 17, 1991 at 1:45 AM UTC that shows us how we are vaporized and the 'afterglow' that follows. It was followed exactly to the minute three years later by the Shoemaker-Levy comet that struck Jupiter on July 16, 1994(leap year) at 20:13 PM UTC. The third part of the E-T warning was the 'Missing Earth" crop circle On June 26, 1995 showing an asteroid conjunction.

The remaining parts of the E-T's warning message are one or probably two asteroid conjunction(s)' that can not occur naturally' = "must be caused by someones not from Earth". We will know which possibility after our astronomers look.

Read carefully, think, consider carefully, then act. Everyone's life depends upon our acting consciously and swiftly in public.

Predicted Conjunction(s)
When the asteroid conjunction shown in the 'Missing Earth" occurs on July 16, 2009, there will be a second conjunction on July 16, 2012 which decisively sums up the E-T's message.

(1-26-14 I always assumed the countdown started when the Barbary Castle circle hit the ground. Hence six or seven 3 year units as shown by when Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet hit Jupiter. As usual, my assumption was wrong. Among other things shown by the positions of the remaining three planets in the Missing Earth circle was their date July 17, 2003. This was the actual start of the countdown. Hence July 16, 2024. July 16, 2009 o4 2012 were dates I am most pleased to be wrong about. However no more niggling discrepancies, we are out of options for this deciphering of when.)

Should the asteroid conjunction occur on July 16, 2012, then we will not get a second conjunction, and we will have to use other measurements to determine exactly when.

Confirming that one or both of these 'must be caused' asteroid conjunctions exists confirms that the message must be from E-Ts, since we Earthlings can not move asteroids into conjunction. Read More.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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