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2020-10-10 N1CL Sales Manager Top Ovrrrides.

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: 2020-10-10 N1CL Sales Manager Top Ovrrrides.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:25 am

1. Sell Loans to the No 1st Cost List called We Owe Yous(WOUs).

2. Sell Full memberships in N1CL

In addition there is an added sales opportunity conjoined with WOUs explained below.

The sales commission for WOUs is 3%. Only registered N1CL Full members can sell WOUs.

The sales commission and overides for signing up Full Members is a separate are lucrative.

Duties You will be expected to setup the mechanisms to "reward " other N1CL members for bringing in new
Full Members and sell any WOU s left from the 1stt 19 million offered to the public.

Overrides The override shall be 1% of total gross revenue from total future WOUs sold by all agents over the next six years starting from number sold on date of sale. Paid monthly.

Each selling agent will receive their proportionate share of this 1% override based on what percentage their number of WOUs sold(not amount of sale) for each month over the next six years of total received from WOUs sold per month, until six years from date of their WOU sale is before the first day of the next month.

All WOU loans will be sold by our listed sales agents,
except for those issued as bonuses and pay for workers and contest rewards. They are not included in total sales.

You must be a registered Full member of the N1CL and agree to answer any questions from the people you sell to using the N1CL Q&A procedures.

No discount to non N1CL sales agent purchases of WOUs, nor any commissions or overrides.

We will refer such requests to the top ten salesmen in a round the circle of ten order. Starting with top salesman by $ amount per month gets first referral, then second to the tenth, then back around. Amount of sale from these referrals does not matter, that will be the luck of the draw.

Where a purchase of fixed amount of WOUs for a set price is required for membership in a private sub-group of the N!CL, e.g. the private group dedicated to building and using the relative to c velocity/vector meter for entangled quantum communication, a $10 million dollar entry N1CL WOU loan from very rich people is required, you bring one in, you get the commission or it will be referred to the top ten round robin salesmen.

Commission splits between sales teams are up to you, however they must be registered on List before a sale.

All WOU loans sold can be canceled by lender for seven days after of loan.

Commission Payments will be paid after the eighth day and after funds have been verified good.

You are an independent contractor, we do report your earnings as required by law.

If I have left out anything, ask!

Dan Alter

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:01 pm; edited 2 times in total

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