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#1: 12-31-19 ToDos for WOUs Author: DanLocation: USA : Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:25 am
12-31-19, 10-04-17 edits

Put at top FP: Edited Full Member agreement by showing how we can create a: "Also, as you will see at the bottom of our Full Member agreements a URL to: How N1CL LLC WOUs create non inflationary people controlled money that our criminal governments can not abuse.".

I know the WOUs could be used as a cash money, the question was how, As you can see, this is how: "When you are the registered owner of a WOU, you can assign your 5% SGR to anyone less transaction costs. For example, to the bearer as long as 'you the registered owner say so", and designate for how long including "until a bearer registers this WOU on N1CL", this means no take backs once spent. Which means the last bearer can take over ownership, given legally received as = last registered owner has declared on the N1CL these WOU(s) are bearer WOU(s), and receive any accumulated 5% SGR these WOUs have earned; as soon as they register with the N1CL as the new owner. They will be subject to any taxes owed to the country in which they receive the accumulated 5% SGR revenues. After they become the registered owner, they can also choose to pass on as a bearer WOU.

An observation on what a real money does, (This use of WOUs as a money creates a non debasable money by our governments and so called central banks. By subdividing the initial issuance of WOUs and using them as "bearer bonds = as warehouse certificates with actual gold in the warehouse = i.e. real income = 5% SGR we create a people created money backed by real production."

1. Need unique encrypt-able number for each WOU.

2. When used as bearer then the bearer does not get accumulated 5% SGR until the existing bearer registers on the N1CL
as the new owner.

3. Owner pays taxes.

4. N1CL will legally resist any illegal double jurisdiction taxation.
Last edited by Dan on Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

#2: Automated Reply Author: SystemBot : Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:23 pm
I Agree

-> To Dos suggested for N1CL

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