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#1: 12-29-19 add. ToDos for N1CL programmers and etc. Author: DanLocation: USA : Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:42 am
12-29-29 edit, added sales override 2-12-18, 1-17-18,

Straight forward,
as I refine What Must Be Done to build N1CL,
I will list What Major To Dos Are Needed.

They will be listed here below in the fixes needed forum below.

1. How develop Relative to 'c' Velocity-Vector Meter for FTL by inviting investments.

2. Need to reorder the Q&A check boxes below. I will list the new order shortly.
2-13-18 A thought on this reordering. Challenges are the last resort. We have to structure payments and responses so that we give all participants an incentive to make the Report as true as possible; Or the Q&A Dialogue reaches an agreement on "What exactly is the disagreement is about".

3. 1-22-18 Add a 3% commission to any selling agent of Gross amount received for WOUs sold.
Done 2-12-18 added Salesman wanted topic with override explanation below.

4. The override shall be 1% of total gross revenue from total future WOUs sold by all agents over the next six years starting from those sold on date of sale. Paid monthly.

Each selling agent will receive their proportionate share of this 1% override based on what percentage their number of WOUs sold(not amount of sale) for each month over the next six years of total received from WOUs sold per month, until six years
after the date of their WOU sale.

-> Criticisms FP, Features added and wanted.

All times are UTC

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