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How N1CL Pays For News, FTL, Shares Ad Revenues, etc.

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: How N1CL Pays For News, FTL, Shares Ad Revenues, etc.
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:40 am

2020-11-08 rewrote title, 2020-09-18, 2022-03-22 edits[Started 1-28-18

1. The N1CL is a LLC (limited liability corporation.
We chose this form of control in order to maintain the N1CL's purpose and form as stipulated in
the N1CL operating agreement. We will adjust form of ownership and control in order to maintain
how much the N1CL pays for WOUs(5%) and "publicly tested News" 50% of Stipulated Gross
Revenues(SGR) in perpetuity.

2. The N1CL will pay 50% of a report's (SGR) divided between Reporters,
Editors/Correctors, Verifiers, and Challengers to create accurate News, as long as they agree to
use the N1CL Q&A Procedures, and accept the results of N1CL readers votes on deciding who
gets paid. e,g. A successful challenger can earn up to 25% of the SGR allocated to a report.

Reporter always gets at least 25%(They could get the 50%) of the Reports share of SGR for an
unquestioned report). Challengers and verifiers share up to 25% of the Reports share of SGR.

Non-reporter contributors must be voted at least 20% of the Challenger etc. side of a Q&A's
25% of a Reports SGR. Rewards pertinent contributions and eliminates non-relevant or redundant
contributions to a Q&A dialogue.

The 50% percentage of total N1CL SGRs earned by any report is decided by any reports percentage of total 'first hit' readers.

First hits are only registered members 1st read of a report lasting 15 seconds,
The total of all 1st hits on all reports through the last day of each month is kept;
then the 50% total of SGRs earned by all those reports is determined for that month,
Each report's share is calculated and then paid on 1st business day after the months end.
e.g. as long as a report gets 15 second first hit reads from registered members,
it shares in 'first hit' revenue for that 30 day period of time.

Only registered N1CL users can participate in Q&As and the N1CL games, i.e. get paid for
participating in Q&As, comment on articles or participate in N1CL forums & games.
b]except anyone can read the Front Page and use the Ads [/b]

How Advertising Works
Free 1st $100.00 Ad cost to advertiser for signing up purchaser as N1CL member.
We pay the new member the 25% share of Ad revenue on the their 1st $199 of purchases..
There is no cost to register, so you can read whole site and be paid to use our Ads..

Anyone can read Front Page and follow its links.

Stipulated Gross Revenues(SGR) = All revenues but:

( a.) 10% of total revenues for operational overhead,

(b.) Monetary transaction costs and all taxes,

(c.) These "Competitions & Games" revenues are paid in separately by the participants. They are made possible by the Q&A Dialogues and pay 95% out by rule to participants.
The remaining 5% of "Game revenues" is the cost to the List of running these "Competitions &

3. The N1CL will use at least 10% of SGR to develop Faster Than Light(FTL)instant entangled
quantum communication to any interstellar distance,[/b] which also makes possible FTL interstellar spaceships.
Instant entangled quantum communication anywhere else in the universe
is made possible by the Patent described on the N1CL Front Page.

My wife and I are forgoing any royalties until after July 17, 2024.

Entangled communication greatly increases our prevention chances. I consider it probable that we
lose the electromagnetic/satellite internet just when we need it most for disconnection coordination.
This means fiber-optic cable and radio(single sideband) radios. Morse code when necessary.

I can list three certain to occur causes at some point in the future.

(a.) A Carrington event. The solar storm of 1859, also known as the Carrington event, was a powerful
geomagnetic solar storm in 1859 during solar cycle 10. It fried our telegraph lines crippling
electric communications.

(b.) A Magnetic Pole Reversal looks like it is already underway and long overdue.

(c.) Satellite collisions that increase number of particles in orbit causing an exponentially accelerating
number of intersecting objects in orbit = more collisions = millions more pieces = more collisions
Once started, no stopping. Whoosh, no satellites in lower orbits.

4. The three N1CL managers[/b] will divide 1% of the N1CL 10% pf Total revenues as their compensation.
.5% to The List Keeper and .25% each to his two successors. Upon leaving as List Keeper for any
the "first assistant" manager will become the List Keeper and appoint a new second assistant manager.
All managers will take an oath to maintain the purposes and earmarks in perpetuity.
They each will also receive 5000 WOUs upon becoming a manager.

Any other needed expenses will come out of the 10% allocated to all administrative overhead.
When managerial expenses are less than 10% then this surplus will be devoted to peaceful space exploration.

Last edited by Dan on Tue Mar 22, 2022 4:43 am; edited 7 times in total

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